The Final Fantasy XIV leveling roulette contains a wide variety of dungeons, and is one of your best ways to obtain EXP, gil, and company seals. Later on in your journey, the leveling roulette will be a great source of tomestones, which can be used to obtain powerful gear for any other jobs you decide to level.
Leveling roulette dungeons are also a great way to fill out your weekly challenge log, as the challenges "Feeling Lucky" and "Dungeon Master" give a nice boost of EXP. Just run it each day for the bonus, and you'll naturally get a burst of EXP from the challenge log entries, too.
Table of Contents
- Final Fantasy XIV leveling roulette dungeons list requirements
- How to queue for the leveling roulette in Final Fantasy XIV
- FFXIV Leveling roulette dungeon rewards
Already an established player? You might want to read up on Eureka Orthos guide or our Europhryne raid boss guide. Both include everything you need to know to fight against some of the game's toughest bosses right now. The former is another great way to level classes in the Endwalker level range.
Final Fantasy XIV leveling roulette dungeons list requirements
Final Fantasy XIV is filled to the brim with features and duties, so if you're a sprout fresh off the boat, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.
In this list, we'll lay out the duties you need to complete to unlock the leveling roulette, how to queue up for your first dungeon, and where to unlock optional leveling roulette dungeons not included in the main scenario questline.
Fortunately, the process of unlocking the leveling dungeon roulette in Final Fantasy XIV is pretty simple. First off, you need to have a battle job of at least level 16 or higher. Secondly, you need to complete the following dungeons:
Name | Level Requirement | Quest Requirement | Dungeon Location |
Sastasha | 15 on a battle class or job | "It's Probably Pirates" via the Main Scenario Quest | Western La Noscea, X:28, Y:21 |
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft | 16 on a battle class or job | "Fire in the Gloom" via the Main Scenario Quest | Central Shroud, X:19, Y:28 |
The quest requirements mentioned in the table will be completed naturally as you progress through the main scenario quest (often shortened to the MSQ by players).
- Check out: FFXIV 6.35 quest locations list
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If you're ever lost, simply check the "Next Main Scenario Quest" button (otherwise known as the Scenario Guide). By default, this is located at the top left of your screen. Click on the quest name, and the game will automatically open your world map with the location of your next quest.
Optional dungeons list
Simply playing through the Main Scenario Quest will unlock the majority of the trials and dungeons featured in the leveling roulette. However, some dungeons must be unlocked via "blue quests". These icons are blue and have a "+" sign next to them.
Name | Level Requirement | Quest Name | Unlock Quest Location | Required Main Scenario Quest Completion |
Halatali | 20 on a battle class or job | "Hallo Halatali" | Nedrick Ironheart in Western Thanalan, X:12, Y:14 | "Dressed to Deceive", A Realm Reborn MSQ |
The Sunken Temple of Qarn | 35 on a battle class or job | "Braving New Depths" | Nedrick Ironheart in Western Thanalan, X:12, Y:14 | None |
Cutter's Cry | 38 on a battle class or job | "Dishonor Before Death" | Sibold in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal, X:14, Y:10 | None |
Dzemael Darkhold | 44 on a battle class or job | "Fort of Fear" | Carrilaut in Coerthas Central Highlands, X:25, Y:29 | None |
The Aurum Vale | 47 on a battle class or job | "Going for Gold" | Nedrick Ironheart in Western Thanalan, X:12, Y:14 | None |
The Dusk Vigil | 51 on a battle class or job | "For All the Nights to Come" | Wealdtheow in the Coerthas Western Highlands, X:16, Y:22 | "Sounding Out the Amphitheatre", Heavensward MSQ |
Shisui of the Violet Tides | 63 on a battle class or job | "The Palace of Lost Souls" | Kurenai in The Ruby Sea, X:20, Y:20 | "Forever and Ever Apart", Stormblood MSQ |
How to queue for the leveling roulette in Final Fantasy XIV
Once you've unlocked the leveling roulette, you can access it like you would any other duty by opening the Duty Finder. By default, the hotkey for this is "U" on your keyboard. The Duty Finder can also be accessed via the main menu (Duty > Duty Finder).
Afterwards, select "Leveling", then "Join", and simply wait. You'll be able to see your progress on the Duty List, which is located by default under the mini-map on the right-hand side of your screen.
FFXIV Leveling roulette dungeon rewards
The specific rewards for your delves into Final Fantasy XIV's dungeons will vary based on the level of the job you've queued. Running the FFXIV leveling roulette rewards a generous burst of EXP, so it's generally best used when you're trying to level another class to the current cap.
Running it on a capped class swaps the EXP rewards for various Tomestones used to purchase high-level gear and items, as well as Clusters that can be exchanged for high-level materia. Refer to the image above to see the subtle differences.
And that's all you need to know to begin your dungeon-delving career as an adventurer in Eorzea! If you want to brush up on your monster-slaying techniques, check out our basic combat guide. Alternatively, if need a full breakdown on roles and expectations, we've got you covered with our FFXIV combat guide as well.
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